Get Win after Win with Fortnite Hacks
There are a lot of Fortnite hacks online that promises cheat features such as infinite teleportation, V-Bucks and more.
At ColossalCheats we only promise what we can deliver; the most superior Fortnite trainer hacks with aimbot and ESP wallhack features.
DOWNLOAD FOR FREE NOWWe also keep our users safe from every kind of bans related to any anti-cheat system. Our Fortnite trainer cheats are compatible with all platforms including PC, PS4, Mobile and Xbox One.
Start dominating with our free Fortnite hacks with aimbot and wallhack features. This private cheat is fully undetected and secure from anti-cheats and will get you ranking up really fast.
Available for Xbox One, PC, Mobile and PS4.
Fortnite Hack Features:
At ColossalCheats we provide the most excellent and advanced Fortnite trainer hacks for PS4, Xbox One and PC. This helps in boosting your gameplay, stats and ranks. Our advanced and accurate cheat software helps you to see every hidden enemies or item as well as get headshots with the aimbot. We don’t have to tell you how much of a difference that can make in your game.
Aimbot with Trigger & Auto Aim
Your aiming skills are crucial in the game Fortnite. If you can’t aim and get headshots, you’ll never get that sweet win. With ColossalCheats Fortnite cheat, you’ll get a better aim than Ninja himself since it includes an aimbot.
Even if your enemy jumps, runs, flies or whatever else – Your aim will always lock onto their head (or other body part depending on your settings). Our Fortnite aimbot has options to change FOV settings, smoothness and much more.
Aimbot Settings
You can edit the aimbot settings to trigger while holding buttons down, or just always active and so on. We know that everyone likes their aimbot settings different, that’s why ours come with so many customisation options.
Wallhack ESP for Ammo, Weapons & Items
The ESP wallhack is one of the key features of our Fortnite trainer hack. With this feature, you can determine every position of all the players on the map. That’s like the most crucial element of the game. It becomes 10X easier when you can detect other players positioning around the map.
In addition to showing every player position on the map, we also make the detection more convenient by showing the player’s name along with the distance of their position from your present position. This enables our users to dominate the map by eliminating the enemies quickly.
ESP System
The ESP system isn’t just restricted to showing other players position information. Our Fortnite trainer cheat provide perfect item ESP that allows you to see every item on the map.
All the items including weapons, ammo, treasure chest, secret items and potions. These can all be detected using our superior Fortnite wallhack ESP. This will enable you to see all the hidden items so that you can find the items that you require and speed up the pace of your gameplay. This, of course, will also enable you to reach the safe zone faster.
DOWNLOAD FOR FREE NOWCompatible with all Game Modes
ColossalCheats Fortnite hack works in all game modes including Duo, Solo, Squads, Battle Royale, Save The World, and Creative. Take the top spot on the leaderboard now with out cheats!
Battle Royale
Fortnite Battle Royale is the classic game mode where everyone is against each other (PvP), and there’s up to 100 players on the map. Surviving against 100 players isn’t easy, and what most Fortnite players don’t know is that most top players use hacks just like ours. Fortnite Battle Royale trainer hacks help you take that sweet leaderboard spot.
Save The World
Save the World is the PVP-mode in Fortnite, where four players cooperate on missions against Zombies. This game mode can really benefit from our aimbot since you can get those sweet Zombie headshots without any effort on your part. The hack also helps you to survive and fight against the enemy since they’re visible on the ESP.
The game mode “Creative” is the sandbox mode for Fortnite. This is where you get total freedom to make and create anything you want. A lot of Fortnite players create videos in Creative mode, and our trainer hack can definitely help with that since it includes a wallhack. This helps you create awesome scenes for your Fortnite youtube videos.
How to use the hack on PS4 & Xbox One
Hardware USB Boards for Consoles
By using a hardware board such as the Aurdino, you can get our Fortnite hack working on PS4 and Xbox One. The hardware board works like similar to a USB memory drive, and can store files (in this case; trainer hacks) on the board itself.
If you want to use the hack on console version of Fortnite, you need a hardware board/USB.
Luckily it’s cheap ($10 USD) and very easy to use. More instructions on how to load the aimbot trainer hack into PlayStation 4 or Xbox One will be provided with the cheat download.
Why We’re The #1 Fortnite Cheat Provider
We take our hack coding seriously, meaning secure anti-cheat bypasses, privacy, and great cheat features. Our private Fortnite trainer hacks are made to with-stand anything thrown at it.
Security & Safety
The most important thing that everybody is concerned about when it comes to using hacks or cheats for Fortnite is it’s “security.” You most certainly would not want to get caught using cheats. At ColossalCheats we provide the best of private Fornite hacks along with the most superior security system.
We keep our users safe from any anti-cheat system. What more can you ask for? ColossalCheats provides the best way to improve your Fortnite gameplay and also assures you the best security from any unwanted anti-cheats consequences.
Private & Constant Updates
Every single Fortnite hack we sell is custom built for complete privacy. Free cheats might get you banned since everyone is sharing the very same hack, which gets blacklisted in hours and you get banned from the game. Our Fortnite aimbot hacks never get banned, because they’re 100% private.
At ColossalCheats we are also constantly updating our Fortnite cheats. Our users never have to worry about getting banned. We keep our hacks updated according to the game so that we can keep up with all the updated changes in the game.
DOWNLOAD FOR FREE NOWFrequently Asked Questions
What’s Fortnite?
Fornite is one of the most hottest games at present. It has gained vast popularity since it first released. It is no secret as to how fast the game is evolving along with its users around the globe. It one of the most played online games at present.
This makes the game a very competitive one because of the high numbers of players. It is no walk in the park to climb the ranking order of the game. Apart from gaining your online ranks, you also have to improve on your aiming skills and your map awareness to improve your gameplay overall. This is where ColossalCheats comes to your rescue.
How Does Fortnite Hacks Work?
The cheat is built by two files: An executable (.exe) and one dynamic link library (.dll). The executable will inject the dynamic link library-file into the game files and modify them to get aimbot and wallhack.
Fortnite hacks also uses some Cloud features to fully inject, but we can’t disclose too much. This is very similar to how our Apex cheats and DayZ hacks work.
What Anti-Cheats Can It Bypass?
Our private Fortnite hack can bypass BattlEye and Easy Anti-Cheat (EAC).
Can I Turn On/Off Features?
Yes. You can use wallhack or aimbot separately, or both together – It’s up to you. Settings can be changed in the hack menu.
Can A Friend Use My Cheat?
No! Only one hack per PC. The Fortnite cheat will have your hardware ID integrated the first time you play, so there’s no way to spread our cheat around for free. This is the only way to keep our private cheats undetected.
What Operative Systems are Compatible?
On PC you can use our free Fortnite hacks for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10.
We also have Fortnite hacks for Android, iOS, Xbox One and PS4.